Update: On January 24, 2025, the Court entered an Order granting the Motion for Final Approval and Motion for Award of Fees, Expenses, and Service Award. Class Members may submit claims through the February 14, 2025 Claims Deadline.
Settlement Information
A settlement has been proposed in the class action lawsuit Michael Meholic v. Seattle Arena Company, LLC pending in the King County Superior Court in the State of Washington. If the Court gives final approval to the Settlement, Seattle Arena Company (the “Defendant”) will establish a $162,917.16 Settlement Fund to provide cash payments to Class Members who make valid claims. Class Members who submit valid claims will be eligible to receive a cash payment of ten dollars ($10.00), plus the actual 3% fee paid or, if the 3% fee cannot be determined, an additional one dollar ($1.00) for every eligible transaction. In the event the total dollar amount of claims made exceeds the funds available, all Class Member payments will be reduced on a pro-rata basis such that Defendant’s maximum amount to be paid does not exceed the Settlement Fund.
Who Is a Class Member?
You are a Settlement Class Member if you are an individual who purchased a concession at Climate Pledge Arena between February 27, 2023 and July 23, 2023 and were assessed a 3% fee. This 3% fee was not charged at all events held at Climate Pledge Arena during this time, nor was it charged on all concessions. You are not automatically a Class Member if you attended an event at Climate Pledge Arena during this time period and purchased concessions. If you purchased a concession at Climate Pledge Arena between February 27, 2023 and July 23, 2023, please refer to the Appendix of the Long-form Notice, which contains a list of events where the 3% fee was charged. In general, the 3% fee was charged at most concerts, but it was not charged at Kraken games.
Your Legal Rights and Options
Option and Deadline |
Your Legal Rights |
Submit a Claim Formby February 14, 2025 |
The only way to get a monetary payment. Claim Forms must be submitted either online or by mail to the following address: PO Box 5229, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. No Claim Forms will be accepted via email. |
Exclude Yourselfdeadline passed |
If you exclude yourself from the Settlement, you will not receive anything under the Settlement. Excluding yourself is the only option that allows you to bring or maintain your own lawsuit against the Defendant for the allegations in the Action. |
Objectdeadline passed |
You may file a written objection telling the Court why you object to (i.e., don’t like) the Settlement and why you think it shouldn’t be approved. Submitting an objection does not exclude you from the Settlement, and you will still be bound by the Settlement if the Court approves it. The requirements for a valid objection are listed in the FAQ section and the Long Form Notice. |
Go to the “final approval Hearing”January 24, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific |
The Court will hold a “Final Approval Hearing” to consider the Settlement, the request for attorneys’ fees and costs of the lawyers who brought the Action, and the Named Plaintiff’s request for a service award for bringing the Action.
You may, but are not required to, speak at the Final Approval Hearing about any objection you filed to the Settlement. If you intend to speak at the Final Approval Hearing, you must also submit a “Notice of Intention to Appear” indicating your intent to do so. |
Do Nothingno deadline |
If you do nothing, you will not receive anything from the Settlement. You will also give up your right to object to the Settlement and you will not be able to be part of any other lawsuit about the legal claims in this Action if the Court approves the Settlement. |
Dates and Deadlines
Claims Deadline
February 14, 2025
Exclusion Deadline
January 17, 2025
Objection Deadline
January 17, 2025
Fairness Hearing
January 24, 2025